报告题目:Algorithm in Optimal Mixture Design报告人:张崇岐 教授 报告摘要:In this talk, we discuss disadvantages of the classical algorithms which may affect the convergence speed and accuracy in finding D-optimal designs of certain mix...[详细]
报告题目:Orthogonal arrays and quantum entangled states报告人:庞善起 教授报告摘要:A pure quantum state of N subsystems, each with d levels, is said to be k-uniform if all of its reductions to k qudits are maximally mixed. There is a...[详细]
题目:Conditional Test for Ultrahigh Dimensional Linear Regression Coefficients报告人:钟威时间:2020年11月6日 10:00-11:00地点:腾讯会议 ID 100 190 344 摘要:This paper is concerned with a conditional test for the overall significance ...[详细]
题目:Estimating Number of Factors by Adjusted Eigenvalues Thresholding 报告人:郑术蓉时间:2020年11月6日 9:00-10:00地点:腾讯会议 ID 100 190 344 摘要:Determining the number of common factors is an important and practical topic in high-...[详细]
题目: 偏微分方程与优化在图像处理中的应用(I) (II)(III)报告人:刘万泉(澳大利亚科廷大学)时间: 2020/10/20 15:00-17:00地点:腾讯会议 ID:105 204 662 会议密码:123456报告摘要:In this talk, we will talk about the image understanding pro...[详细]
报告一题目:国家社科基金申报心得分享报告人: 杨青龙 时间:2020年10月16日 8:30-9:30 地点:腾讯会议 ID 748307864 摘要:主要从国家社科基金的评审流程、社科基金选题以及项目论证等几部分分享自己申请人文社科类项目的心得。 杨青龙简介:中南财...[详细]
题目:Sieve Maximum Likelihood Regression Analysis of Dependent Current Status Data报告人:胡涛 教授摘要: Current status data occur in contexts including demographic studies and tumorigenicity experiments. In such cases, each subject ...[详细]
报告题目:Optimal Distributed Subsampling for Quasi-likelihood Estimator with Massive Data报告人:艾明要 教授报告摘要:Nonuniform subsampling methods are effective to reduce computational burden and maintain estimation efficiency for mas...[详细]