报告时间:5月21日(周 日)上午8:30—9:30
报告题目:Mass-conserving stochastic partial differential equation and associated backward doubly stochastic differential equation.
报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce a type of stochastic partial differential equation with invariant mass. Its correspondence with backward doubly stochastic differential equation is established. Moreover, the pathwise stationarity of its solution is studied.
报告时间:5月21日(周 日)上午9:30—10:30
报告题目:Limiting Behaviors of Some Seminorms for Dunkl Operators
报告摘要:I will talk about behaviors as
of Besov seminorms associated with the Dunkl operator, which is a (nonlocal) differential-difference operator parameterized by finite reflection groups and multiplicity functions. The result is a further development of the one obtained by V. Maz’ya and T. Shaposhnikova for the classical fractional Sobolev space.
报告时间:5月21日(周 日)上午10:30—11:30
报告题目:Large and moderate deviations for sample path of non-homogeneous telegraph process
报告摘要:In this talk, we consider large and moderate deviations for non-homogeneous telegraph process with slowly varying intensity functions that are equipped with the uniform topology. The mild conditions are given based on $L^2$ and $L^2$ norms of intensity functions where some singular intensity functions are discussed. This work is joint with Pro. Jiang Hui.